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PMA - Entertainment

PMA - Background

Die PMA-Band wurde 2018 vom dem, in Südafrika geborenen Singer/Songwriter und Komponisten Paul Mark Adams gegründet.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich heute die Zeit genommen haben, meine Website zu besuchen.


Ich schätze  ihr Interesse an meiner Arbeit als Musiker, Songwriter, Produzent und Entertainer.


Seit 2012 bin ich in Deutschland ansässig und biete meine Dienste international unter dem Firmennamen "pmaEntertainment"  


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Single Release "Calling Me"

Calling Me  basically is the personification of music, music likened to a woman, that describes my lifelong affair and journey with music. I didn't choose to be a musician, music chooses you. Its destiny. Its the way God wired me to serve a specific role and function in society or wherever I happen to be in the world..I am inspired by so many experiences, situations or emotions all of which I put into my music that I hope in turn reveals and inspires those who listen. I decide this time to explore a different genre, as I love so many styles of music, and just love folky sounds, I hope you enjoy it.

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